Tokom nedelje, zbog posla, često ne mogu da uživam u opuštenim, udobnim kombinacijama. Ali zato kada vikend počne kombinacije poput ove su idealne za mene, pogotovo za večernje šetnje i druženje sa prijateljima.
Pozzz, B. :)
During the week, because of work, often can not relax in outfit like this. But when weekend start combinations like this are ideal for me, especially for evening walk with friends.
Xoxo, B. :)
Pantalone / Pants - Stradivarius
Majica / Shirt - Not branded
Teksas jakna / Denim jacket - Not branded
Baletanke / Flats - Betty Boop, Novi Sad
Ogrlica / Necklace - Accessorize